memory Eternal

With the Saints give rest O Christ, to the souls of thy servants, where sickness and sorrow are no more, neither sighing, but life everlasting.

Со святыми упокой, Христе, душу раба Твоего, идеже несть болезнь, ни печаль, ни воздыхание, но жизнь безконечная.

Archbishop Dmitri (Royster)
Priest Michael Meredith
Priest Svyatoslav Vasilyev
Priest Lawrence Zalikowski
Sandra Chan Ajram
Richard Crosby
Rose Crosby
Irina Cruz
Evelyn Davis
Peter Davis
Georgia Ruth Drennan
Jean Garcia
Michael Goch
Ruth Goch
Mary Gozur-Knight
Fred George Haltof
Helen Hartung
Norman Hartung
Vamdon Inks
Ronald Ireland
Amelia Kosty
Peter Kozack
Kirill Lagunchik
Nickolai Lagunchik
Natalia Ljdawdansky
Andrew Patalak
Eva Patalak
Henry Poleschuk
Julia Poleschuk
Alexandra Poznyak
Barbara Salthouse
Yelena Shmakova
Bosco Slepcevic
Dragitsa Slepcevic
Harlan Harlampi Titcomb
Jessica Joanna Wright
Tatiana Young
Alexandria Zubko

Schedule of Sunday Services

Confession offered approximately 30 minutes before each service, including Sunday mornings and by appointment with the priest.

9:10 AM: Hours (prayers in preparation for service)

9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy (the worship service)

After the service all are invited to join us for Coffee Hour and fellowship

Programs for children, youth and adults offered after most services